In Ukraine, the allocation of subsidies for utility services for the heating period is currently underway. These subsidies are assigned from October 1 for the heating season and from May 1 for the heating season. When documents are submitted in January, the subsidy will be granted from that month until April 30.
To be eligible for a subsidy, one must meet certain criteria.
To apply for a subsidy, it is necessary to submit a application and income declaration. The application includes the household address, details of utility providers, and information about all residents and their family members. The declaration includes income and expenses for a specified period. In special cases, additional documents may be required, such as a rental agreement, IDP certificate, student income certificate, etc.
Submission methods:
Previously, "Telegraph" reported that a decision on the allocation of a subsidy should be expected within 30 days. You can use the shortened application form, in which case the Pension Fund will find most of the required data independently.