Thursday13 March 2025

Chinese New Year is on January 29: vibrant cards and images to celebrate and send wishes to friends and family.

Today, January 29th, marks the celebration of the Chinese New Year.
Китайский Новый год 29 января: яркие открытки и изображения для поздравлений близким и друзьям.

On this day, January 29, celebrations for the New Year begin in China. Unlike in our culture, the Chinese observe the New Year according to the lunar calendar, which makes the date of the celebration "floating."

The Chinese New Year, often referred to as the Spring Festival, occurs on the day of the new moon. Typically, it is celebrated on the second new moon following the winter solstice, which is the nearest new moon to the start of spring. In 2025, the Chinese New Year falls on January 29, and the festivities last for two weeks.

The Chinese New Year is a wonderful opportunity to show care and extend greetings to friends and family. Warm wishes are sure to boost spirits, and a charming card sent via social media can bring a smile.

"Telegraf" has prepared a selection of vibrant cards and adorable images so you can congratulate your relatives and friends on social networks and messaging apps. Your loved ones will surely appreciate such attention and be grateful for the warm words of congratulations.

Китайский Новый год 29 января, праздник7 Китайский Новый год 29 января, праздник8 Китайский Новый год 29 января, праздник9 Китайский Новый год 29 января, праздник, открытки, картинки, поздравления0 Китайский Новый год 29 января, праздник, открытки, картинки, поздравления1 Китайский Новый год 29 января, праздник, открытки, картинки, поздравления2 Китайский Новый год 29 января, праздник, открытки, картинки, поздравления3 Китайский Новый год 29 января, праздник, открытки, картинки, поздравления4

Previously, "Telegraf" reported on the calendar for the entire year of 2025. It details how many holidays and weekends Ukrainians will have.