Friday07 February 2025

In Dnipro, a drug dealer was apprehended with cannabis and methamphetamine in possession (PHOTO).

Nearly 70 slip packets containing cannabis and methamphetamine were seized.
В Днепре арестовали наркоторговца с каннабисом и метамфетамином (ФОТО)

A successful arrest of a drug dealer took place in Dnipro, operating in the area of the Starosamarska Embankment. The perpetrator turned out to be a 31-year-old man. This was reported by "Vidomo," citing the Dnipropetrovsk region police.

According to available information, the arrested individual had been engaged in the illegal drug trade for an extended period, supplying both small retail buyers and larger wholesale clients. During a search conducted under a court-sanctioned warrant, 68 slip packets containing a mixture of cannabis and methamphetamine, prepared for further sale, were discovered and seized from the suspect.

The exact weight of the seized drugs is being determined by experts; however, preliminary data indicates a significant quantity sufficient for charges of large-scale trafficking of prohibited substances. In addition to the drug stocks, the suspect was found in possession of scales, plastic bags, mobile phones, and a substantial amount of cash, presumably the proceeds from the sale of illegal substances.

The detainee has been informed of the suspicion of committing a crime under Article 307 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (illegal production, manufacture, acquisition, storage, transfer, or sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, or their analogs). He faces imprisonment from 8 to 15 years, along with asset confiscation.

Previously, we reported that another "peddler" was detained in Dnipro, who hid drugs in the sleeves of her jacket

We also wrote - a drug dealer in Dnipropetrovsk region will be prosecuted for sending psychotropics via couriers (VIDEO)