Friday07 February 2025

In Kamensk, a man assaulted his wife and attacked police officers during his arrest (VIDEO).

The police are conducting an internal investigation into the actions of law enforcement officers during the apprehension of a disruptive individual.
В Каменском мужчина избил супругу и атаковал полицейских при задержании (ВИДЕО)

In Kamenskoe, police responded to a call regarding domestic violence but ended up becoming victims of an attack, as reported by "Vіdomo".

It turned out that law enforcement was summoned to an address where a man had assaulted his wife. The police officer and a third-year cadet from the departmental university arrived at the scene, but the man began to use foul language and resisted.

As a result, the law enforcement officers left, and the video went viral on social media.

The police in Dnipropetrovsk region stated that a criminal case has been opened regarding the resistance to law enforcement officials under Article 342 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Additionally, the police are conducting an internal investigation into the alleged unprofessional actions of the officers involved.

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Post by HK Kam'yanske / Huevoe Kamenskoe (@huevoekamenskoe)