The head of the National Police, Ivan Vygovsky, stated that Vyacheslav Zinchenko, accused of murdering linguist Irina Farion, joined a specific Telegram group in 2022 that promotes a cult of violence and cruelty. He allegedly spent around 20,000 UAH to prepare for the murder of linguist Irina Farion. This was reported by the head of the National Police in an interview with "Ukrainian News," as conveyed by "Vidomo."
Law enforcement officials determined that Zinchenko was actively preparing for the crime. In particular, he studied literature authored by FSB employees, which included advice on conspiracy, evading detection, and described the methods used by law enforcement agencies.
The organization of the crime cost Zinchenko 20,000 hryvnias, which he withdrew from his cryptocurrency wallet.
Law enforcement believes that the suspect acted under the influence of the ideology promoted by several Telegram channels that advocated discrimination against Russian speakers in Ukraine.
"Under the influence of the information published in those groups, he developed a conviction about the national discrimination of Ukrainian citizens who speak Russian. Since Farion was a linguist and constantly spoke out against the Russian language, this became his motive for the murder. There is certain information suggesting that Russian special services may be involved, as there were specific correspondences of the accused, but that is the motive," Vygovsky said.
Currently, they are verifying information that the suspect may have received assistance from Russian agents due to "certain correspondences."
At the same time, the investigation leans towards the version that the suspect carried out the majority of the preparation independently.