In Kryvyi Rih, two fourteen-year-old teenagers set fire to a car belonging to a military serviceman. The incident occurred on January 14 at approximately 21:55 in the Ingulec district of the city. This was reported by "Vidomo," citing the police of the Dnipropetrovsk region.
According to information received from law enforcement, the vehicle that was set on fire is a Renault Kangoo. The owner of the car is a serviceman who is actively involved in defending our country.
A forensic investigative team arrived at the scene and conducted a thorough examination. They discovered and seized evidence, including a plastic bottle containing remnants of a flammable liquid.
During the operational-search activities conducted by the criminal police of Kryvyi Rih, the identities of the suspects were established. They turned out to be two fourteen-year-old teenagers residing in Kryvyi Rih.
The investigation revealed that the offenders committed the arson for a reward of 40,000 hryvnias.
Currently, a comprehensive set of investigative actions is underway aimed at a complete and objective investigation of the incident. Based on the results of the investigation, a decision will be made regarding the filing of charges and the referral of the case to court.
Earlier, we reported that unknown individuals broke the glass and robbed a military man's car on the left bank of the Dnipro
We also wrote - a man in Dnipro received 5 years in prison for setting fire to military vehicles